6 in 10 Brits are finding it hard to stay positive right now.. Highly Recommended’s Top 10 instant mood boosters


    1. Listen To Upbeat Music
      With direct access to the emotions, good music has great power uplift your mood. Good quality soundwaves are known to boost energy levels, reduce tension and relieve depression. To lift yourself out of a slow slump, play some quick-tempo tunes with positive lyrics to sing along to at moderate to high volume. Feeling low is associated with feelings of entrapment, so letting loose to some music is a great way to release inhibitions and free your mind.
    2. Get a good laugh
      Much research has shown that when it comes to short periods of depression, or feeling down, laughter is the best medicine. After you laugh, you go into a relaxed state, your blood pressure and heart rate drop below normal, so you feel profoundly relaxed. Laughter also indirectly stimulates endorphins. Watch your favourite comedy film, get YouTube funny video clips or, if you don’t have much time, remember something funny that has happened to you or tell a joke.Let yourself be amused, feel the joy and laugh out loud!
    3. Walk around the block.
      Studies show that people who get more light exposure during the day have fewer sleep problems and less depression, and evidence suggests that light can keep you alert and productive – so the more we get outdoors the better!Even mild exercise, about 40% of your max heart rate, can lift your mood instantly.
    4. De-clutter.
      Clutter is a reminder for things that should be getting done, that aren’t – this can fuel feelings of failure. Try putting things in nearer stacks/piles or have a quick daily tidy up to keep more on top of tasks.
    5. Hug it out.
      Stimulating the pressure receptors in the skin can lower stress hormones and touch of others can stimulate Oxytocin, which also has positive effects on our mood.What if no one is around to hug I bet you are thinking? Even the touch of yourself massaging or rubbing your own forehead, hands and neck has been shown to have similar effects decreasing heart rate and reducing Cortisol the stress hormone.
    6. Allow Yourself To Vent.
      Psychology Today contributor and psychologist Leon F. Seltzer, Ph.D., said there are actually some advantages to venting about a problem to a friend, and helping with your mood is one of them. “In many (though not all) situations it’s better for you to discharge negative emotions than to keep them bottled up inside,” he says, and also that, “venting helps restore your equilibrium.” So while you don’t want to be the person at home or work who is always focusing on the negative, there is definitely a time and a place — not to mention a therapeutic reason — to vent when needed.There’s no reason a bad mood should ruin your day — or even a portion of your day. Often times when we’re down about something at work or a minor interpersonal conflict, a quick boost is definitely within your grasp; you just need a conscious desire to feel better and a willingness to take a few mindful steps towards it.
    7. Perform an act of kindness.
      Being kind to others and lending a helping hand are great ways to boost your own spirits. Research shows that kind people experience more happiness and live more positively. Acts of kindness and happiness have, in fact, been shown to be reciprocal; the more satisfied an individual feels with themselves, the more likely they will be to selflessly help others, and the more an individual makes an effort to selflessly help others, the more worthwhile and satisfied they will feel in turn. Helping somebody else smile is a sure way to instantly get your smile glowing again!
    8. Count your blessings.
      Gratitude is very important when feeling low. Rather than concentrate on what is lacking and wrong in your life, be thankful for all you have and all that is right. Psychological studies show that being in a state of gratitude can increase optimism and happiness by up to 25 per cent. Try listing at least three things in your life you are truly grateful for to quickly get out of a negativity slump. When you appreciate the good the good gets better.
    9. Have a brew!
      Beyond the comfort and solace it provides, drinking a warm cup of freshly brewed tea can have an enormous effect on your mood. A drink of tea can be very soothing in moments of stress or tension. Research shows the amino acid theanine, which is unique to tea, is responsible for relaxing and calming the mind and altering the levels of antidepressant neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. The fluctuation of blood sugar levels, known to induce anxiety, can also be modulated by drinking a simple cup of tea. Boost a sombre mood, awaken the senses, increase alertness and encourage energy flow by choosing a tea rich in flavour and aroma.
    10. Meditate
      Meditation is known to decrease stress and anxiety levels and improve mental clarity, to help you solve whatever issues may be hindering your happiness. A recent study has shown that meditation produces a significant increase in activity in the left prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for positive emotions and optimism.Try a simple breath meditation: sit up straight and focus on the breath entering and exiting your nostrils, noticing how it fills and empties your lungs, making your chest rise and fall. If busy thoughts enter your mind, acknowledge them and let them go. Five short minutes of breath meditation can immediately dissolve stress and anxiety and help you relax.

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