Our Refund Policy
- You can cancel the Services if you don’t want us to supply them beyond the end of the first month by sending a cancellation appointment request to cancellations@highlyrecommendedrochdale.co.uk At which point we Highly Recommended will organise a meeting to cancel the subscription. If you want to cancel after we start supplying services during any subsequent month you have to give 30 days’ notice to the above e-mail address 30 days before the end of the campaign. If you decide to not cancel in the time periods given this will result in a perpetual renewal of your listing to ensure nobody else gets your position. We will begin providing the Services when the Payment Administrator informs us of receipt of each monthly payment of the Fees. Accordingly, all Fees paid are non-refundable. If you do not want to renew the Services, it is your responsibility to notify us at the above address as with not being notified we are and will be lead to believe you are happy to continue on this pay as you go service.
- If you cancel your payment instruction to your bank, or we are unable to take payment against the card number you submitted for any reason, we may suspend the Services immediately and/or terminate the Contract (without prejudice to our rights to recover any amounts that remain due to us on the termination date).
- We reserve the right to make changes to our charges from time to time but will notify you if the price of your selected Service package will change at least 10 Business Days in advance of the date the change is to take effect.
- We may charge compensation for late payments at the rates and amounts prescribed from time to time under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 and in addition shall be entitled to all reasonable costs incurred in recovering any unpaid sums.